Hypnotherapy FAQs
Hypnosis and Addictions and Habits
Hypnosis is an alternative approach to healing addictions, or the negative habits that steal your joy. The habit may seem like a permanent aspect of your behavior. All of the logical reasons to stop are negated by the overwhelming positive associations that are ingrained in the subconscious mind. Hypnosis for Change explains, “The habit has not been established by the logical, intellectual part of your mind; instead, the habit's cause lies in your subconscious. If you want to change your behavior, you must first recognize the reason or reasons [for that behavior]... the habit that has been established to meet the need is one that ultimately destroys, rather than supports.” Reprogramming the code for your thoughts can be accomplished through a hypnotic induction that's specifically designed to help meet your personal needs. Hypnosis also alleviates the demands created by your daily environment, so it makes accomplishing your goals easier! Hypnosis can help you feel safe and supported through what feels like drastic changes you are choosing to implement in your life.
"What is Hypnosis?"
Our minds have variant states of awareness or consciousness. Think of the time right before falling asleep or just after waking up, when your awareness of this world is present, but pliable. In this pliable consciousness, hypnosis allows you to relax your consciousness without falling asleep, in order to purposefully co-create positive actions with the help of your subconscious.
"Is Hypnosis Real?"
Yes, it is! Studies which measure brain activity show that hypnotic suggestions alter the way the brain processes information. For example, hypnosis can be used to generate positive outcomes in sports or work progress, and can even alter your perception of pain.
"What is Hypnotherapy?"
Hypnotherapy is a profession using hypnosis to achieve therapeutic effects. Goals may include improving self-esteem, shedding weight, releasing unhealthy habits like smoking or overeating, or conquering fears and phobias. Hypnotherapists provide a valuable service in guiding others to better themselves.
What is Hypnotic Induction and Suggestion?
Hypnotic induction is a series of instructions carefully worded to guide the client into a relaxed and focused state of mind. The induction allows the conscious mind to be suppressed and the subconscious mind to be revealed. Clinical hypnotherapists use suggestions that involve a cooperative process between client and therapist that is unique to the client’s specific goals. The therapist is able to suggest ideas, concepts, and life style adaptations to the client, the seeds of which become firmly planted in the subconscious mind.
"What is a script and why is it used?"
Scripts keep us on target and prevent us from overloading with information. Scripts allow us to determine what occurred in the session and can be referred back to as documentation for noting progress or verification. They provide a safety net: an element of assurance that we will not inadvertently inject a maverick statement or suggestion by wandering around in dialogue. Scripts allow us to pay attention to the client’s response and condition rather than being concerned about what we are going to say next. Furthermore, they make it easier to remember and insert the client’s own words and verbiage back into the script, assuring them that they are having a personalized experience.
"What if I can’t be hypnotized or I can’t “go under” hypnosis?"
This idea comes from a misunderstanding that hypnosis renders you unconscious. Usually, when someone relaxes creatively with a good hypnotherapist, their senses are enhanced rather than reduced. Regardless of your conscious awareness, hypnosis works with the subconscious mind, and the effectiveness can be witnessed immediately, but also days and weeks after a session or series of sessions have been completed.
"What is Stage Hypnosis?"
Stage hypnosis is a theatrical presentation that delivers a humorous series of events achieved through powers of suggestion and compliance. The whole crowd is assessed for suggestibility factors and the ones selected are thought to be “highly suggestible”. Stage hypnosis is for entertainment or educational purposes. I am not a stage hypnotist.
Hypnosis is an alternative approach to healing addictions, or the negative habits that steal your joy. The habit may seem like a permanent aspect of your behavior. All of the logical reasons to stop are negated by the overwhelming positive associations that are ingrained in the subconscious mind. Hypnosis for Change explains, “The habit has not been established by the logical, intellectual part of your mind; instead, the habit's cause lies in your subconscious. If you want to change your behavior, you must first recognize the reason or reasons [for that behavior]... the habit that has been established to meet the need is one that ultimately destroys, rather than supports.” Reprogramming the code for your thoughts can be accomplished through a hypnotic induction that's specifically designed to help meet your personal needs. Hypnosis also alleviates the demands created by your daily environment, so it makes accomplishing your goals easier! Hypnosis can help you feel safe and supported through what feels like drastic changes you are choosing to implement in your life.
"What is Hypnosis?"
Our minds have variant states of awareness or consciousness. Think of the time right before falling asleep or just after waking up, when your awareness of this world is present, but pliable. In this pliable consciousness, hypnosis allows you to relax your consciousness without falling asleep, in order to purposefully co-create positive actions with the help of your subconscious.
"Is Hypnosis Real?"
Yes, it is! Studies which measure brain activity show that hypnotic suggestions alter the way the brain processes information. For example, hypnosis can be used to generate positive outcomes in sports or work progress, and can even alter your perception of pain.
"What is Hypnotherapy?"
Hypnotherapy is a profession using hypnosis to achieve therapeutic effects. Goals may include improving self-esteem, shedding weight, releasing unhealthy habits like smoking or overeating, or conquering fears and phobias. Hypnotherapists provide a valuable service in guiding others to better themselves.
What is Hypnotic Induction and Suggestion?
Hypnotic induction is a series of instructions carefully worded to guide the client into a relaxed and focused state of mind. The induction allows the conscious mind to be suppressed and the subconscious mind to be revealed. Clinical hypnotherapists use suggestions that involve a cooperative process between client and therapist that is unique to the client’s specific goals. The therapist is able to suggest ideas, concepts, and life style adaptations to the client, the seeds of which become firmly planted in the subconscious mind.
"What is a script and why is it used?"
Scripts keep us on target and prevent us from overloading with information. Scripts allow us to determine what occurred in the session and can be referred back to as documentation for noting progress or verification. They provide a safety net: an element of assurance that we will not inadvertently inject a maverick statement or suggestion by wandering around in dialogue. Scripts allow us to pay attention to the client’s response and condition rather than being concerned about what we are going to say next. Furthermore, they make it easier to remember and insert the client’s own words and verbiage back into the script, assuring them that they are having a personalized experience.
"What if I can’t be hypnotized or I can’t “go under” hypnosis?"
This idea comes from a misunderstanding that hypnosis renders you unconscious. Usually, when someone relaxes creatively with a good hypnotherapist, their senses are enhanced rather than reduced. Regardless of your conscious awareness, hypnosis works with the subconscious mind, and the effectiveness can be witnessed immediately, but also days and weeks after a session or series of sessions have been completed.
"What is Stage Hypnosis?"
Stage hypnosis is a theatrical presentation that delivers a humorous series of events achieved through powers of suggestion and compliance. The whole crowd is assessed for suggestibility factors and the ones selected are thought to be “highly suggestible”. Stage hypnosis is for entertainment or educational purposes. I am not a stage hypnotist.