I volunteered to take photos for a yoga studio's fundraiser for solar panels. I'm in yoga teacher training at this studio and wanted to be in service, since my body won't do 108 Sun Salutations in a row right now. When the yoga instructor asked if I wanted to take over the class for a moment, I panicked, shook my head quickly to answer NO WAY, as I made a face like a rabbit. The moment took less than 2 seconds, like a flare bursting into the sky. At first I felt a hint of embarrassment, but that fear showed me where I could gain confidence. I started listening to her cadence and her voice became a song. I was learning it as she was going.. soon, if given the opportunity, I could have stepped in and kept the beat. When I realized I could do it, I had to hug my ego with a deep breath so I could listen to her sing again and keep taking beautiful photos in the next and present moments.
If every one of our moments of fear were so short, obvious, and easy to set free... we could be UNstoppable!
If every one of our moments of fear were so short, obvious, and easy to set free... we could be UNstoppable!