I accept help.
I accept help.
I accept help.
I am a Helper. It seems much easier to be a helper than a helpee.
I spent years rescuing... or at least jumping in really deep waters to save souls who weren't mine to save. (You are the only one who can save your soul... even if Jesus saves your soul - you have to allow it - accept help) You save yourself by allowing yourself to be helped sometimes.
I existed with all of my heart invested in other people. Dangerous way to live. When at the end of a 3yr relationship in my early 20's, I had that helping addiction used as a weapon. Stabbed in the back by people I knew as chosen family. Lived together. Celebrated holidays together. Thought this would last forever.
It was in a heated argument with him I yelled, "I am addicted to helping!" He responded in confirmation with disgust. The tension broke and I had what I know to be a major "Ah-HA moment". I had to stop helping him & them, break free, and start helping me - healing myself from decades of damage, some of which I invited with open arms. Layers of forgiveness still to be uncovered.
Then, I moved to Ohio and really started The Work of My Life.
I accept help.
I accept help.
I am a Helper. It seems much easier to be a helper than a helpee.
I spent years rescuing... or at least jumping in really deep waters to save souls who weren't mine to save. (You are the only one who can save your soul... even if Jesus saves your soul - you have to allow it - accept help) You save yourself by allowing yourself to be helped sometimes.
I existed with all of my heart invested in other people. Dangerous way to live. When at the end of a 3yr relationship in my early 20's, I had that helping addiction used as a weapon. Stabbed in the back by people I knew as chosen family. Lived together. Celebrated holidays together. Thought this would last forever.
It was in a heated argument with him I yelled, "I am addicted to helping!" He responded in confirmation with disgust. The tension broke and I had what I know to be a major "Ah-HA moment". I had to stop helping him & them, break free, and start helping me - healing myself from decades of damage, some of which I invited with open arms. Layers of forgiveness still to be uncovered.
Then, I moved to Ohio and really started The Work of My Life.